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SNAKE-OIL: Think you’re all a bunch of manipulative liars. Patriots don’t know who to believe anymore—thousands dying from “the shot” and yet Trump’s still pushing it. Depopulation, vax internment camps, military in control, “The Storms...
I'm just so sad that Bannon was arrested, I was really hoping that he would keep doing what he was doing. I love the new swamp and am okay with them committing fraud against us-- as long as he keeps meeting with world dictators and keeps...
Joe Biden’s pick VP was not a natural born citizen of USA neither was her parents ??
For a Very good read https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Ukraine%20Report_FINAL.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1GtHjg3z3XSvArQuLlN0sJTpZTYonrDOFbiIOQlQ72JXUobA6HRjMPL2Q
i'm new to this, i'm a Canadian resident tired of liberal tyranny