Normal people don't need to be in control, normal people want everyone to do well, because it would make the world a better place to live for everyone.  The people born with the birth-defect of phycopathy, Socialpathy, or Narcotics are a danger to everyone and everything around them, and (personally, in my opinion,) knowledge comes from our Creator.  And now we can diagnose and see in brainscans, that defect, just as we can diagnose a brain tumor.         We can use sterilize of suffers of these defects so that this genetic disease which is preventable, by limiting the number that the world is saddled with.  Because it is easier to spot by their actions, than the brainscan, so we need to study decetion methods, and maybe find a way to prevent it by medication.  Or like a tumor by operation, to not have 'Real emotion' is a sad life to not feel love, and never be happy no matter how wealthy that person is.  These deseases can be prevented and we can find ways to prevent them, and we need to be compassionate enough to do the right thing.


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