I think I figured out why Democrats want to take our freedom. It might be because most have signed a pact perhaps generations ago with Satan or their offspring. And they have been handing their own children over to their weird 'religion' and the NWO and it's total control of life and the population, to them, that are the aliens, they themselfs have no real freedom and they are jelious of ours. So ending this won't be easy, because it is a ww cult. Hidden probably since the FA/aliens fell.

The emerald tablets tell us their cover story about they a crew of aliens came, and like the seminarians wrote, the crew (FA) that made the pact on mt Herman, they went against their 'orders' and was brought before a counsel that imprisoned them on earth with a 'force field', = Dome. Forever. Same as the Bible, just a different telling of it. As with most religions. They are the slaves, but by choice we are not that is why they hate us.

They want their enslavement to end, but because of their pact with hell and death, like Goliath they have to die by decapitation. That is why so many guillotine's at FEMA camps. You see they are reincarnated, because the devil tricked them, but the same body is reincarnated, instead of going to God's waiting area, called paradise to await judgment.

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