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Scripture for the Day Oct 8th 2020: Single Issue Voting

The Ten Commandments

Exodus 20:3-17

Single Issue Voting

Yesterday, a prominent, self-proclaimed Christian lectured believers not to make 'abortion' (a fancy word for child sacrifice) a single voting issue. Please know, if we break one of God's laws, we break all of God's laws. James 2:20.  But lo-and-behold, they violate ALL of God's laws and gloating for it. 
The political platforms of Democrats, Liberals, Communists, Socialists, Globalists, Technocrats promote the opposite of God's laws without exception. 

Let's compare the Ten Commandements with political agendas.

I am the LORD thy God. You shall have no other gods before me
[Yet who removed prayer and bibles from schools and public life? Who removed God from the Pledge of Allegiance? Who demands that we kneel before them ?]

You Shalt Make No graven images or likenesses 
[Yet who idolizes Gaia, and made earth and 'mother nature', among others, their ultimate gods?]

Not take the LORD's name in vain 
[Yet who denies God, curses Jesus, promotes the moon good of Islam and eastern deities as superior to Jesus?]

Remember the sabbath day 
[Yet who denies Creation and demands obedience and servitude to the liberal/communist/globalist neo-feudal ruling class?]

Honor thy father and thy mother 
[Yet, who works to rip family apart and denounces the pivotal role of father, mother, and the nuclear family?]

Thou shalt not murder 
[Yet who murders babies, embraces eugenics, promotes euthanasia?]

Thou shalt not commit adultery
[Yet who promotes and indulges in sexual depravity, perversity, pedophilia, and freestyle 'love'?] 

Thou shalt not steal 
[Yet who loves and insists on high taxation, even death taxes?] 

Thou shalt not bear false witness 
[Yet who slanders righteous people without cause? Who accuses people of the things that they themselves do? Who lies to justify their parasitical existence?]

Thou shalt not covet
[Yet who encourages, even promotes and finances rioting and looting? Who denies our (not their) property rights? Who covets successful job creators and villifies captialism? Whose platform survives only on unlawful transfer of wealth by any means necessary?]

Our laws are based on God's Ten Commandments. Yet the swamp denies God while claiming to be Christians in many cases. Know the tree by its fuit.  

Who then will YOU vote for?

1 John 2:3-6

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