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Scripture for the Day Dec 2nd 2020: Lies Bite

From Proverbs 20
Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD.
Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.
Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD, and a false balance is not good.

When I came to Christ, I had to shed one dangerous habit: Lying. Deciding to be honest has served me and those around me well. God blesses honesty. God has blessed me. I sleep like a lamb, and I can look people in the eye standing tall without shame and doubt. After I accepted Jesus, I became a man.

The fatal mistake Democrats and RINOs make is to cheat their way to usurped power. Woe to you, charlatans. God considers you worthless. Man disregards you. Repent and turn from your wicked ways!

Proverbs 16:27
A worthless man digs up evil, While his words are like scorching fire.

Honesty spells integrity. I am clean before God because my motivation is pure. How beautiful it is that I can make this statement. I am waiting before opening my mouth. I test matters before I speak.  We have one mouth and two ears. I use them in that proportion.

I am disturbed by the perpetual lying that comes from the mouth of non-believers and make-believers. Will I suffer you? No! I choose my company carefully. As a result, I have few friends. But it is better to have few friends who tell you the truth than many who cheat, lie, and steal.

Proverbs 7:6
Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

Let us bow our hearts and pray.

Lord Jesus, I come to You astonished and saddened by the many lies that are being perpetrated in some of the highest corridors of power in the land, and it seems few can or will do anything to address what is effectively a clamp-down on truth. 

Father, for too long I have allowed the evils that seem to swamp our world and our country, in particular, to wash over me, but Lord there are so many evils that have ravaged our people, and goodness and truth seem to be a thing of the dim and distant past, especially the truth of Your Word. 

Lord, forgive me for not opening my eyes earlier to what is going on, but I pray that You would use me now to lift up my brothers and sisters in prayer, who are being aggressively attacked, ridiculed, and even persecuted for righteousness’s sake, for speaking the truth. 

Look down in pity on Your children and on all who are being systematically targeted by a government that is causing an increasing number of people to find themselves in severe hardships, having lost their homes and families, their livelihoods, and dignity. 

Lord, I know nothing is going to change the downward spiral that we are currently facing but our prayer and the courage of your children.
Lord, I pray that despite the trials we face, that You will bring good out of evil. I ask Lord, that the lies that are being perpetrated in some of the highest corridors of power in the land will be the tool that will bring many people to salvation in Christ Jesus and bring them to trust in the eternal truth of Your Word. I know that You are coming to set up Your Millennial Kingdom on earth, that will breach the tide of evil that is sweeping over our land. Have pity on us and our country and guide us into all truth, I pray. 

In Jesus' name, 

Prayer Source (amended)

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