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“When I do my 6 km run, with 750 meters elevation, I stop five times and do as many pushups as I can. Normally I can do around 110-115. I’ve tried twice after using the CarboHaler and both times I was able to do 165. That is a 45-50%...
What is the fundamental difference between a state of deep relaxation and meditation versus being totally stressed out and having a panic attack? Well, it is not sleep, food, or exercise. It is breathing. The relaxed person is breathing...
”I love to exercise at the gym and ran marathons. Normally I can do about 10 push-ups. After my first session with the CarboHaler I could do 24 and after the second session I could do as many as 30! A few hours after the second session I...
In their pioneering work from 1946, Kety and Schmidt demonstrated that cerebral blood flow is directly related to the carbon dioxide pressure in the blood. Lower levels of CO2 constrict the blood vessels and therefore less blood is...
"I’ve been using the CarboHaler every day for 3 months, two minutes each time. After about two weeks I realized that my brain adapted to the increased intake of CO2 and my BOLT score (Body Oxygen Level Test) has increased from below...
Your lungs are the largest organ in your body, with a surface area roughly the size of a tennis court. The total length of the airways is 2,400 km (1,500 miles). That’s about the distance from Chicago to Las Vegas. At rest about 5 to 6...
"My dear brother Kamod was electrocuted and his heart stopped for 15 minutes. He is in a coma and 30-40 times per day his oxygen levels goes below 92% because of mucus in the airways.We have to use a device to suck out the mucus....
Why do people get stronger and fitter when using the CarboHaler? When the nervous system decides whether we are safe or not to do a certain activity, the decision is based upon the available energy. Holding on to fear, worry and stress...
“Five percent CO₂ has a fast and potent anticonvulsant action. The present data suggest that medical carbogen with 5% CO₂ can be used for acute treatment to suppress seizures in epilepsy patients.”CARBOHALER BENEFITS* Reduce Mental...
May 2, 2024My name is Nathan, I am 40 years old. One and a half years ago I developed a rare retina disease called Central Serous Retinopathy.The retina disease ultimately damaged the retina in my right eye, which led to binocular...
May 2, 2024I'm a voice teacher from San Diego, CA and use lots of smart neuro-centric tools to help my students and my own singing when I'm on a professional contract as as actor and studio musician. After using this device once at the...
Nov 8, 2023What in the world is it that you have created????! How long am I supposed to feel like this – high as a kite? I feel invincible as Michael Jordan and my knee, well after having problems with arthritis for a year I think it is...