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- · Morgan Kevins
- · General
- An Even Better Marriage From Newlywed to Long-Timer
· Renee
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Great article on Marriage, sometimes we can forget or be complacent in our marriages.
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· Renee
- Praying As We Age Prayer is essentially about nurturing our relationship with God.
· athena sage
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Sometimes the diminishment of aging can affect our spirits
With the process of losing our abilities, can come a growing impatience. We might have fewer and fewer friends. We might become crabby and judgmental about the changes going on around us. Sometimes we can tend to be more “set” in our ways, even stubborn. Any way we might lose our independence can have a terrible impact on our spirits. We might experience that others are impatient with us. Of course, there are a number of ways to avoid some of these effects on our spirits, but it is undeniable that these struggles are a part of aging.
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· athena sage
- Praying in the Time of the Virus Crisis
· athena sage
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Letting our Lord comfort us with a peace that nothing else in this world can give is to pray at another level. It begins with our reminding ourselves that we are loved by God. In the Christian tradition, we can remind ourselves of the Good News itself. We are saved from the power of sin and death through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Many other religious traditions offer us hope and consolation in God's love and presence with us.
How do we find that peace in the midst of so much anxiety and worry about the future? We can take precautions and be prudent, but we don't have to worry about what we can't control. We can trust that by turning to our God, we can rely on God's love and presence. We can take courage from a sense that we are not alone. And, we can let go of the anxieties and be brought deeper into that relationship which feels "at home" and reminds us of our truest self.
Most of all, faith and trust can help us replace our anxiety with our mission - the mission each of us has to love as we have been loved. When we ask for the help - in our relationship with our God - to grow in compassion and care for those around us, a new level of purpose is given to us. We can feel the grace of being sent - missioned - to be for and with others in crisis. We can comfort others and help calm their fears. We can be a source of strength for others who are struggling. Our charity and the ways we reach out to others will transform our hearts. And, we can make a real difference. Perhaps someone I know, who is quarantined at home, needs a call every day, or perhaps a quick trip to the store for necessities. The possibilities will come to us as we let our hearts be calmed and be filled with compassion. Gratitude leads to generosity and courage lets our hearts move from being fearful to being bold
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· athena sage